Saturday, June 5, 2010

Life may be good but I am not happy

“What is life, if full of care – we have no time to stand and stare”. These immortal lines are abstracted from one of my favorite poem Leisure by WH Davies. Its quiet true from every perspective of my life and we all, at least at some point of time in our lives, are surely abided by this. I don’t know how the visionary poet already knew so many years back about my current life. Well, I am not complaining about my life, to be on a practical note it’s really good. I have a well paid job, a wonderful family, loyal friends and affinity for wonderful things that money can buy. But I really don’t think I was born to be what I am now.

To be specific, I work for recognizable IT Company. My core duty consists of helping the right people to grab the right opportunity. But the tragedy is that the lamp that brightens the entire world is unable to abolish darkness beneath itself. Yah! That’s exactly my scenario. I am not able to be what I aspired to be. People say do what you love or else love what you do. Believe me; I left no stone unturned to love my current job but the niche is still yet to be carved. Things have never been the same as I have noticed lots of physical, psychological, behavioral and what not changes in me. But you can’t help it; it’s a part and parcel of this game. If you can’t beat it, be with it. And that’s what we all do with our lives mostly.

It’s a fact that life is a bed of compromises. If you are a part of a developing nation, where opportunities to grow are hand countable, it is quiet a fact that you can only wish for a life equivalent to that of the ‘Westerns’. But if look from the other part of the meadow, you are far more understanding and patient that rest of the bestial world. Yeah, people of the east take pride in their culture and lots of things, but still the ‘others’ are quiet more flourishing and happier, even without a classic culture.

Aspirations are many but means to satisfy them are very limited, few or rare. Now to grab these rare opportunities you have to be extra cautious or you need to create these opportunities by yourself. Both these things are not possible until you have a sharp and stable mind. But, sharp minds are again rare. So the remainder is that in order to find something rare you need to have something special or rare in you. So, does it means that the ‘Mediocres’ are entitled to sacrifice and compromise till their last breadth?

Like they say, the grass is always greener on the other side. Life if looked from a different perspective may seem to be very bright and peppy. But if you give it a more profound glance, you would come across the real quicksand in which, everyday the soul is sucked deeper and deeper. For people who are more desperate and miserable than me may think – “man, his life is good”. And my life may be good, but still I AM NOT HAPPY.

All your faithfull,
Rupesh Dey